Wayne's World International Series - March 2021

Wayne’s World - March 2021

Welcome to Wayne’s World! This is a new monthly feature put together by Manor team member Wayne spotlighting music made by not-Americans. Music made in the states is incredibly well represented abroad due to the prominence of our language, so sometimes we have to work a little harder to diversify the music we listen to. Here you can expect to find 3 albums made in any period anywhere around the globe!

We hope y’all enjoy!

Otchim - “Club Souvenirs”


Sierpien Records is a label based out of St. Petersburg that I have been following in the last year or so, and through themI found Otchim. Their 2020 album Club Souvenir has been on constant repeat throughout February and March. Otchim’s music slaps in its own right, but the two members have never actually met in person. With one living in France and the other living in Russia, their complex relationship allows for a lot of creativity and room for expression. This album has a lot of really exciting dark rhythms with an atmosphere reminiscent of sweaty European nightclubs. You can find them on Spotify or order their cassette HERE.


Pony Pool Club - Pony Pool Club 2

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Pony Pool Club is a super fun alt-rock band from Sevilla, Spain. This project is led by Álvaro Moreno who describes his music as “music taken from captured moments” with the support of some friends. Seemingly inspired by classic indie/alt rock and a touch of angstinesss and psychadelia, their 2020 album Pony Pool Club 2 is an easy and enjoyable listen. Their song Bailar is one of my favorites, it starts off similarly to the rest of the album, but has a couple interesting changes in time signature. I’d suggest listening to this while on a road trip this summer with the windows down on a bright, sunny local highway (fuck the interstates amirite?). Check it out HERE.


Powerplant - People in the Sun


Powerplant is currently one of my favorite London bands, and has been in constant rotation on my turntable for several months now (you can still find a beige vinyl from Dreamland Syndicate). People in the Sun is their third full-length album, but showcases their range of sound and influence really well. Self-described as “somewhere in the shadows of post / synth punk” this album is sure to get your heart pumping and your head banging. Only acceptable to listen to at full volume (shout out to the older lady who lives below me for tolerating my bullshit), this album is absolutely worth blowing your eardrums and frying your speakers! Check out People in the Sun and the rest of their music HERE.

Written by ::

Wayne Moots

Manor Blog Contributor & Co-Organizer.

Manor Records gives 100% of the article author rights to Wayne Moots.