Wayne's World International Series - February 2021

Wayne’s World - February 2021

Welcome to Wayne’s World! This is a new monthly feature put together by Manor team member Wayne spotlighting music made by not-Americans. Music made in the states is incredibly well represented abroad due to the prominence of our language, so sometimes we have to work a little harder to diversify the music we listen to. Here you can expect to find 3 albums made in any period anywhere around the globe!

We hope y’all enjoy!

Dimitri Shostakovich - The Story of the Priest and His Helper Balda

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Russian Composer Dimitri Shostakovich was inspired by the melodies of romanticism, but also of the dark and unsettling Igor Stravinsky. The Story of the Priest and His Helper Balda is a folktale from the early 1800s which Shostakovich turned into an opera. It is mostly orchestral with minimal Russian vocals, but this opera really shows off his range as a composer. We hear everything from sweet melodies to honestly frightening sounds and a lot of trumpets (one of my favorite instruments) throughout. The chaos is immediately relatable and maybe even a bit cathartic. This digital album in particular has almost 200 works by the composer covering waltzes, symphonies, operas and more so I would also recommend just putting the whole thing on shuffle. Personally, I have not been able to stop listening to Shostakovich, and if you enjoy jarring orchestral works, be sure to check it out HERE on Spotify!


Cetu Javu - Southern Lands (1990)

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Heavily inspired by Depeche Mode, this German band who sang in English and Spanish were an underground component of the Synthpop scene of the ’80s and early ’90s. I couldn’t find much about this band and it seems like this was the only music they recorded or at least the only recordings that made it onto the internet. Southern Lands contains a lot of interesting sounds and a strong beat throughout making it perfect for a cocaine and hairspray night on the town (or in your living room). Check them out HERE!


Novia Pagana - Solar Plexus (2020)

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Novia Pagana (“Pagan Girlfriend” in English) is a solo act from the south of Spain. Their EP Solar Plexus features distant and weightless vocals, synth, bells, and almost everything really. My only complaint about this EP that it left me needing more! Each song is delicately crafted with layers of intricacy. Perfectly dreamy and ethereal this short but sweet kiss on the forehead is sure to help you drift off into a cloudy introspection. Only available on Bandcamp HERE!

Written by ::

Wayne Moots

Manor Blog Contributor & Co-Organizer.

Manor Records gives 100% of the article author rights to Wayne Moots.